Sunday, June 14, 2015

JFJ 15 for 30 Challenge - Day 14: Personal Fodder

Random fodder from our everyday lives is a great way to document our days, but at times we want to add things that are a bit more meaningful - a bit more personal than the mundane things we pick up along the way. When we add birthday cards, photographs of our loved ones, notes from someone close to us, or postcards from a friend on a trip, we add something of significance, and the journal becomes richer document of our lives.

Find some meaningful and personal ephemera to include in your journal today. Print out a favorite recent photo or two, and glue them onto a page. Find mementos from a trip or something tucked away that you’ve almost forgotten about to add to pages you’ve already begun. Use pictures your kids drew for you or thank you cards. Whatever you choose, make certain that it is personally relevant and significant.

Keep posting those responses to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and personal blogs. It’s inspiring and motivating to see how people have used the day’s challenge. #jfj15for30

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