Recently, I have come to understand how the little things in life can steal away our time. Take this blog for instance. I had planned to post something ages ago, but I could never find the time to sit down, edit images, and simply write a simple post. Little things kept creeping in unexpectedly - from checking email to washing dishes, from vacuuming the floors to tidying up the studio, from visiting with family and friends to sheer laziness. And there have been days when all I wanted was to have the entire day to myself - no major or minor concerns hanging over my head - where I could spend the day, the entire day, in the studio making art, reading about my latest obsession, or even even watching movies. Basically to do whatever I wanted to do with out the world intruding - without the need to do even those tiniest things that get in the way.

But I have finally squeezed out a bit of time to post these spreads from the collaborative journal that I am sharing with Erin. She gave me back the journal when Dave and I were at NCCAT nearly two months ago, and I haven't worked too much in it - a lack of time. I scanned these spreads several weeks ago, and I am finally forcing myself to find the time - to carve out a piece of precious time.
I so understand the time thing Eric. Thanks for taking some to post those wonderful pages- they helped to warm up my cold morning- we are -19 actual temp this morning! Terry
Oh I can so relate...you did manage to make stunning journal pages...I love your work...I am so glad I found you.....Orly
These are great pages! I have realized that if you can't do a canvas everyday you can do a journal page!
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