As some of you know, we are in the process of writing a book on the visual journal that really shares a lot of ideas, techniques, and concepts to use in the visual journal. We have actually sent it off to a few publishers, and hopefully, someone will want to publish it. In the meantime, though, we have self-published a pared-down version that we have sold at conferences, workshops and seminars. So now we are trying to make the booklet available to a wider audience. The booklet is only $15.00 plus shipping and handling.

Each booklet is 37 pages and full color. Each booklet is color laser-printed on quality 28lb paper with card stock front and back covers, and each booklet is bound with a comb binding.

If interested in purchasing a booklet, please email me - just go to View Full Profile, and we'll work out the details. If you have any questions, please email me as well.
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