Dave and Sam waiting for the subway in NYC. |
March was a busy month for the Journal Fodder Junkies. We started off the month in New York City at the National Art Education Association's annual convention. We presented twice the first day of the conference, attended as many presentations as we could throughout the rest of the time, got to visit MoMA briefly, and had a book signing. It was definitely a packed four days.
A view from one of the conference hotels |
Our presentations went well, but our first, which was first thing in the morning on the first day, was lightly attended. We figured people were still in line registering. There were over 7000 attendees. Our second presentation which was later in the day was packed with people sitting on the floor and lining the walls. I love when that happens. I just wish we could get booked into a bigger room the next time we present at NAEA, but the presentation went well. Good friend and fellow visual journalist, Brooke commented that we blew people's mind. That's always a good thing.
Our littlest fan. |
On the third day of the conference, Chester Book Co. had a book signing for us, and we went pretty nonstop for about 4 hours though we were only scheduled to be there for 2. Fortunately in one respect and unfortunately in another, they ran out of copies of the book within the first 15 minutes. Despite bringing two cases of
The Journal Junkies Workshop, they sold all but 6 copies by the time of the book signing, but Alan and Whitney were quite busy taking orders. Dave and I were busy signing slips of paper with idea that folks could glue the slips into the book once they got it. We got amazing feedback from so many different folks.
Book signing with Chester Book Co. Photo by Alan. |
The rest of March was almost as crammed as the the beginning. I wrapped up another quarter at school. Dave had two interviews for tenure track positions at a university in Kentucky and one in West Virginia. We worked on the first review of the new book,
Journal Fodder 365. I got accepted for the second year to the Western Loudoun Artists Studio Tour (more to come later), and I finished up a year at the Gateway Gallery.
Unfortunately, I decided to leave the gallery. I was selling work and making a little money, but not enough to really justify the 12+ hours I was spending there each month. The gallery is a great place, and I wish it and all of the artists well. I'm hoping to have more time now to pursue my art and a couple of other projects that have been brewing and stewing for a while. And the JFJ Challenge can resume.
I hope the rest of the spring will be a little less hectic, but I know better. With a workshop scheduled for later in the month and the Studio Tour in early June, it's going to be pretty busy.