I've never been good at doing round-robin or traveling journals. I'm a huge procrastinator, and I know that I would be the cause of a journal jam and back log. So, last February when our NCCAT group decided to do a round robin, I declined to participate. But during our last NCCAT group in December, I began a collaborative journal with one of the participants figuring that it would be much easier for me to share a single journal with one other person. So, during that week, I bought a small journal and began a number of pages based on the connections and the content of the week. When I left NCCAT, I left the journal with Erin, aka Bean, and after three and half weeks, I am in possession of it again.
I am blown away, by what she has done. The really interesting thing is that we have set no real rules, and allow each other the freedom to work on pages that speak to us. So, this allows us to add to pages the other has started, and we don't do separate pages like is typical of round robins. It is interesting to see how our two styles have melded - to wonder where what I did ends and what she did begins making it a truly collaborative process. The two spreads above are truly collaborative pieces, and Erin built on top of what I had started. I have gone back a bit and added more.
The above spread is predominantly my work, and the spread below is predominately her work. But I see all of these spreads as being in process - much like life, and susceptible to evolution and growth. Other pages were started, but are merely in the beginning states waiting for two different hands to bring depth and meaning.
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