
Thursday, July 14, 2016

JFJ Big Idea Challenge - Day 14: Play

How do we make time to play? How can we make play a bigger part of our lives?

Play is not just for children. We all need time to let go and have a little fun. We learn and experiment through play, and we can rejuvenate ourselves with play. In our art we can play with ideas, or we can play with our materials trying out various methods and techniques. We can play with our children or play with our pets. We can play games, and we can play and act silly. So, let’s let loose a bit, and allow ourselves to have some fun.

Spend time today playing and see where it can take you with your artmaking.

If you're posting online or on social media, use those hashtags so that others can see what you're doing. #jfjbigideas or #jfj16

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