
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

JFJ Big Idea Challenge - Day 13: Work

Are we doing our life’s work? Is our work fulfilling and meaningful? What work lies ahead of us?

Work is a huge chunk of our lives. We work to make money and support ourselves and our families. We work around the house and in the yard. We work to help friends out, and often our recreational activities require a lot of work and effort. With work being such a part of our lives, it is often a good idea to stop and ponder the work that we are doing and reflect on whether that work resonates with who we are and how we see ourselves.

Take time today to ponder the work that you do in your life. Is your work meaningful and fulfilling? Are you doing the work that you want to do? What work is there left to do?

Keep those online and social media posts coming, and remember to use those hashtags as you share. #jfjbigideas or #jfj16

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