
Friday, May 6, 2016

Big Face Revisited

I've been working on this 18x24 inch painting in the studio over the last few days, and it's close to being finished. I am quite pleased with how it's turning out.

I used my Golden High Flow Acrylics to build up the background texture, and then I drew the face with my paint markers. I'll share when I finish it up. I'm looking forward to doing more paintings like this.


  1. is this one for sale. How much do you want for it if so.

  2. Carlton, I added a bit more to this piece since I took this photo, and it is for sale. It's an 18x24 inch piece, and it's for sale for $450.

  3. sorry i never got an email saying you replied. Its definately worth it but its about 150 out of my price range. i want to start collecting art though so i will keep you in mind. Im currently paying off money i owe at a college but after that i will try to buy a piece of your art.
