
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Working on the Weekend

Part of this three-day weekend has been spent working on a few things. Dave and I spent some time working in journals Friday night, and we were able to fit in a few hands of cribbage. Saturday we spent time working on our presentation for the National Art Education Association Convention in Chicago in March.

March is going to be extremely busy. First we have Art and Soul in Portland. Then I have the workshop in Galax, VA, and finally we have the NAEA Convention in Chicago - lots of travel and lots of work. I'm looking forward to it, though.


  1. I took all of your workshops last year at NAEA and am signed up for the Wednesday workshops. Looking forward to what you have in store. JFJ has been a game changer for my teaching.

  2. I took all of your workshops last year at NAEA and am signed up for the Wednesday workshops. Looking forward to what you have in store. JFJ has been a game changer for my teaching.

  3. Jen, I'm glad that we've had an impact on your teaching. We're looking forward to NAEA and Chicago in few weeks, and looking forward to reconnecting with you and other teachers.
