
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Busy Summer. Busy Fall.

Some how the summer has slipped by, and no wonder with all the teaching that I have been doing. Many people have the misconception that teachers have their summers off, free to frolic and play and lounge. Most teachers I know have busy and active summers often catching up on home and personal projects they just don’t have time to get to during the school year. And many, like myself, opt to teach during the summer as a way to supplement their meager incomes.

And so, I have been busy with teaching almost the entire summer, and another school year is upon me - my seventeenth. I have been back for several days with meetings and getting my classroom ready. Students return in a little more than a week, and with moving from high school to elementary school, I don’t know if I’ll be ready. I’ve been busy with getting everything ready, and I still have so much to do.

On top of my teaching duties, there are still other things going on, and the end of summer and the beginning of fall have quickly filled up with workshops, events, and presentations.

Here’s what’s going on. We hope to see you there.

Create Mixed Media Free Webinar

August 29, 4PM - Dave and I will be hosting a free webinar through our publisher’s Create Mixed Media website. Info isn’t posted yet, but it will be soon. We invite you to join in, as we promote our new book Journal Fodder 365 with a step-by-step journey that focuses on the concepts from Chapter 1, but pulls media and techniques from throughout the book. It will be a good look into our process, and those of you who enjoyed the free Change pdf should enjoy it as well. But truthfully, everyone should enjoy it, so check back frequently, and we’ll have registration info as soon as available. The above image is a sneak peek.

Book Launch Party, Leesburg, VA
September 29, 6-9PM - Dave and I will be celebrating the release of Journal Fodder 365 this evening with an open event at Leesburg Veterinary Hospital, so please join us if you are in the Northern Virginia area. It may sound weird to hold the event at a veterinary clinic, but my wife works at the clinic. They also have a beautiful new building with a big reception area that is perfect for hosting the event.

Maryland Art Education Association, Silver Spring, MD
October 19 - We will be presenting at the MAEA Fall Conference at James H. Blake High School. We'll share more info when it becomes available.

CSEA /Fine Arts Council Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
October 27 - We will be keynote speakers at this conference for art, music, and drama teachers cosponsored by the Fine Arts Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association and the Canadian Society of Education through Art.

Virginia Art Education Association, Norfolk, VA
November 1-3 - Once again Dave and I will be presenting at the annual VAEA Fall Conference. We will be making a 50 minute presentation and leading a hands-on workshop. We also plan to participate in the Artisan Gallery.

Art of the Carolinas, Raleigh, NC
November 10-11 - Dave and I will be presenting two three-hour, hands-on workshops at this annual event sponsored by Jerry’s Artarama. Strathmore Artists Papers will once again sponsor our workshops and supply participants with journals.

Spotlight on the Arts, Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
November 23
- We will travel to Canada once again, but this time to Montreal, to be keynote speakers for this day-long symposium for art, music, and drama teachers as part of the QPAT Annual Convention.

So much going on.

If you don’t see anything available in your area, we are always looking to expand our travels and workshop schedule. So, contact us, and we might be able to bring the JFJ experience to you.


  1. As a fellow schoolteacher, I too cannot believe it's already that time again. I'm also secondary--good for you that you're making the switch to elementary! That's what I call courage!:-)

  2. Holy Poo you are BUSY!!! I don't know how you do it. And you are getting so famous!! WOO HOO!!!!
